A Cyber Threat Intelligence VM

 Threat Pursuit

Threat Pursuit Virtual Machine - VM is a fully customisable open sourced windows based distribution focused on Threat intelligence analysis and hunting designed for intel and malware analysis as well as threat hunters to get up and running quickly.

Installed Tools :

Development, Analytics and Machine Learning:-

  • Shogun
  • Tensorflow
  • Pytorch
  • Rstudio
  • RTools
  • Darwin
  • Keras
  • Apache Spark
  • Elasticsearch
  • Jupyter Network


  • Constellation
  • Cmap
  • Neo4j

Triage, Modelling & Hunting:-
  • OpenCTI
  • Maltego
  • Splunk
  • Threatcmd
  • ViperMonkey
  • AMITT Framework

Information Gathering:-
  • Maltego
  • Nmap
  • Orbit
  • FOCA
  • Intelmq
  • Dnsecon

Utilities & Links:-
  • Docker Desktop
  • Sublime 
  • OpenVpN
  • Chrome
  • VLC
  • Notepad++
  • CyberChef
  • Putty

And many more....

Download Link : Click Here

 "Threat Pursuit" VM by Dan Kennedy, CSides may 2020.

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